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[팁/정보]Cygwin instructions for dsixda's Android Kitchen

Cygwin instructions for dsixda's Android Kitchen

1) Run the Cygwin setup.exe and select the defaults for the installation paths, such as:
- install from internet
- install to C:\cygwin


2) At the 'Select Packages' screen, go to the 'Search' box to look for the following package:

* gcc4 (found under 'Devel')
  - Click on the '+' symbol at the section it's found under
  - Then find this single package (only the one with this exact name, not multiple similarly-named ones!) and click 'Skip' once so that it changes to show a version number

Go back to the Search box and repeat the above steps for the rest of the packages:

* libmpfr4 (found under 'Libs')
* perl (found under 'Interpreters')
* cpio (found under 'Utils')
* util-linux (found under 'Utils')
* ncurses (found under 'Utils')
* zip (found under 'Archive')
* unzip (found under 'Archive')
* wget (found under 'Web')

3) Press Next to proceed installing these packages.

4) When installation has been completed, click on your new Cygwin desktop shortcut. This will open a terminal session that will run some initialization.

5) With the Cygwin terminal still open, we need to configure the path to the Java application so that it can be executed within Cygwin.

In the terminal, type the command 'java' (without quotes).  If it says 'command not found', then read the below.  Otherwise, skip this section.

First, make a backup of your .bash_profile file in case you make a mistake later in this procedure.
Enter the following in the terminal:

  cp .bash_profile .bash_profile.backup

Next, find out where your java.exe file is and run the appropriate command to add it to your Cygwin path.  
For example, my java.exe is found under C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin, so I had to type:

  echo "PATH=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Java/jre7/bin:\${PATH}" >> .bash_profile

Modify the command above so that it matches the actual path to your installed Java. 
Remember to add a "\" character before any spaces in your path, as shown above.

Type the following so that the file gets loaded (you only need to do this once):

  source .bash_profile

There should not be any errors displayed if successful.  

(Otherwise, if you made an error in the .bash_profile file, restore your backup by typing: cp .bash_profile.backup .bash_profile, and then try the procedure again)

If done correctly, then when you type 'java' it should display some help information.

6) Your Cygwin is now ready for the kitchen!

$ ./menu
 Android Kitchen - by dsixda (xda-developers.com)

Main Menu

 1. Set up working folder from ROM
 2. Add root permissions
 3. Add BusyBox
 4. Disable boot screen sounds
 5. Add wireless tethering
 6. Zipalign all *.apk files to optimize RAM usage
 7. Change wipe status of ROM
 8. Change name of ROM
 9. Check update-script for errors
10. Show working folder information

Advanced Options

 11 - Deodex files in your ROM
 12 - Add task killer tweak for speed (stock ROM only)
 13 - Add /data/app functionality
 14 - Add Nano text editor + sysro/sysrw
 15 - Add Bash (command shell)
 16 - Add Apps2SD
 17 - Add /etc/init.d scripts support (busybox run-parts)
 18 - Add custom boot animation functionality
 19 - Porting tools (experimental)
 20 - Tools for boot image (unpack/re-pack/etc.)
 21 - Unpack data.img
 22 - Sign APK or ZIP file(s)
 23 - Convert update-script or updater-script
 24 - Miscellaneous optins / Plugin scripts

99. Build ROM from working folder
00. About/Update kitchen
 0. Exit

※ 로그인 하시면 원본파일을 볼 수 있습니다. ※

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